Friday, April 24, 2009

My Beautiful Mom Julia

Submission for "A Mom in Your Life" contest 2009

Actress Julia English-Marlow
My Beautiful Mom Julia, put color into the world
and taught us love conquers all.

Christmas at the Marlow House, one time called affectionately, "Camp Marlow" for the numerous of social events going on from super bowl parties packed with 300 people or more to Socials where everyone is an actor, dancer, model, politician or talent of some type, always featured a feast fit for royalty. Julia loved to cook and would fill her tables full of every type of meat to dozens of gourmet dishes you may never of heard of, but couldn't resist. And don't forget mikes a plenty for the karaoke singing and dancing til you dropped that went on throughout the day and night. And Christmas wrappings never went to waste, they served each person plenty of paper fighting ammo and later kindling for the blazing fire in the fireplace. Bows were always decorative for ones head or shirt and every gift wearable was worn, well at least til guests arrived.

"Going Home To Mom's House"

A graceful sweep to the right engulfs
A chubby row of bushes lining the walkway
Strong, full rose bushes sing in the wind as
Their scent dances around you,
Tickling your nostrils
Huge pine trees seem as peaceful guardians
A glimpse in the kitchen window treats you
The image of a fine featured,
Dark haired, Island-English mix woman,
Humming merrily around, graces you
You open the front door, your mouth waters
Layers of gourmet aromas fill your nose
A warm glow surrounds you,
She embraces you, welcoming you home
Feelings of security, love says,
Here you're always safe and welcome
I savor now the warm memory,
Teardrop after teardrop leaves my eyes
A jagged pattern, rippling my face,
Remember days of Going home to Mom's house

By, Dalton C. Teczon